Thursday, December 28, 2006

DVD Review - Couplings

Couplings from BBC. Was it ever aired in Singapore? I remember watching a couple of episodes with Stu in Oz 2 years ago and that it was very funny, so when I saw it in the shop, I bought Seasons 3 and 4. Easy X'mas Pressie for Stu. And it was reeeeaally funny! 3 men, 3 women, sort of like Friends crossed with Sex n The City, mixed with tips from the book Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus. Susan and Steve are a couple, Jane is Steve's ex, Sally and Patrick are a non-couple who hang out together, Susan and Patrick used to go out together, and then there's Jeff - the fumbling, permanently nervous, totally clueless guy.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006


Moopie's a rebellious teenager now...
Always up to something naughty
Like chewing off his own hairbrush
Taking off the laundry and choosing only the CK underwear
Stealing watermelon skins from the worms
etc etc etc etc
BUT he's still my sweetheart :-)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

X'mas Ham

Who says Ang Mohs dun eat pork? We found a certain Mrs Piggy in our backyard one evening, playing with the dogs.
In true Aussie fashion, we turned it into a traditional Christmas Ham...yummy!!

X'mas House

X'mas is less than a week away! Look at the decorations on the roof! The little christmas trees, those bright lights!! Alas, this is not our house. The Hines are not the sort who will climb on roofs to attach teddy bears and snowmen for the whole neighbourhood to gawk. This Orchard Rd Rival is located just behind our house, bringing the whole street to shame.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Meeting Robbie

Realised why people are crazy over Robbie Williams. Went to see him with Stu in Aussie Stadium on Sunday evening. I snapped up tickets at work from the ex-boss who couldn't make it cos his wife's in Sth Africa as his mom's "busy dying".

On the way to the concert we stopped at Harry's du Wheels in Woollomooloo for the famous pie and hotdog. By the time we found parking in the city, we were actually a couple of songs late. Robbie is indeed charming and an entertainer. He sang all his good songs, except the one we love (Me and my Monkey). The concert had the usual good stuff - lights, large screen displays, fireworks, even women willing to bare their tits at him. Good on him to turn the cameras on them so we can all see ;-)