Wednesday, November 09, 2005

About HP

She's known as the bitch, and it's easy to see why. Call me kaypoh, but I'd always wondered why some people turn out this way. Maybe it's her karma. Maybe she's just plain unlucky. Maybe she's not strong enough to fight off situations after situations. Maybe she's just too tired.

What would I be like in her position? Being a single mom, with a mother who vents her frustrations on her all the time, suffering from one failed relationship after another. I would never know as I'm not in the exact circumstances. My mom may be a bit biased but I know she loves me in her own way. I have several failed and traumatic relationships, but I felt that with every failure, I learnt and grew so much that I don't become bitter. I'm not a saint and I've done terrible things. But I would never again do things that I do not want done to me.

Someone should tell her that she's acting exactly like her mom. Venting her frustrations from failed relationships on hapless colleagues and strangers. Sometimes her behaviour turns people off, and when she realises that people are against her, she becomes worse not realising that she caused it in the first place. It's a viscious cycle.

Someone should tell her that she should seek happiness from within herself, and not from guys. I believe she feels that they are the answers to everything, so she goes all out to make the man happy, without first thinking if he is the right one for her. Being wild is one thing, but being labelled as 'loose' is another altogether. Whether she is or not, who would want a long term relationship with a slut? Even if someone is attracted to her, after they get what they want, she can be disposed of. All moms warn their daughters about that, and it's true.

Do I have the guts to tell her all these? If I do it would be after I quit, cos she'll probably hate me for that!

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